
Stress-Liebesherz Schlüsselanhänger *


With this Stress Star Keyring, your remain first and foremost on the minds of your target audience! Customers will gaze at your logo on a daily basis if its printed on these promotional Star shape, your contact details will be right there to greet them. Give awa

Squeezy fun; Fast Delivery; Popular promotional keyring

40 x 40 x 30 mm
290 x 380 x 320 mm
8000 gr
1.02 CHF exkl. St.

With this Stress Star Keyring, your remain first and foremost on the minds of your target audience! Customers will gaze at your logo on a daily basis if its printed on these promotional Star shape, your contact details will be right there to greet them. Give awa Squeezy fun; Fast Delivery; Popular promotional keyring