


This Stress Camerea will appeal to many businessess . This stress reliever is a generous size and offers a high definition for your logo. This is one of the huge range of promotional stress shapes that will be sure to help your marketing campaign.

Realistic dials,switches and viewfinder; Ideal for promoting many businessess;Large handheld product with great detailing

65 x 95 x 63 mm
620 x 350 x 390 mm
11000 gr
2.72 CHF exkl. St.

This Stress Camerea will appeal to many businessess . This stress reliever is a generous size and offers a high definition for your logo. This is one of the huge range of promotional stress shapes that will be sure to help your marketing campaign. Realistic dials,switches and viewfinder; Ideal for promoting many businessess;Large handheld product with great detailing