


Add another dimension to your advertising campaign with a customised Stress Alien, they are perfect for relieving stress and having fun. Whether you believe in the paranormal UFOs or not, handing these Stress Aliens out as a gift will make your customers believe in you! Add your custom logo or slogan to this little guy and get your message out there, getting the attention you deserve.

Out of this world - Squeezy Fun;Perfect promotional Product;Low Cost Big Impact

114 x 49 x 36 mm
400 x 330 x 640 mm
11000 gr
2.37 CHF exkl. St.

Add another dimension to your advertising campaign with a customised Stress Alien, they are perfect for relieving stress and having fun. Whether you believe in the paranormal UFOs or not, handing these Stress Aliens out as a gift will make your customers believe in you! Add your custom logo or slogan to this little guy and get your message out there, getting the attention you deserve. Out of this world - Squeezy Fun;Perfect promotional Product;Low Cost Big Impact