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These Stress Graduation Mortar Boards are a great way to work yourself into anyones daily routine and increase your bottom line! Perfect gift to handout at any event, your new adults will keep these outstanding promotional gifts at home, in the office, even in the car. So pass the test with flying colours with this Stress Grad Mortar Board!

Brilliant Souvenir;Squeezy Fun;Ideal for many events or open days

60 x 70 x 70 mm
620 x 280 x 390 mm
9000 gr
2.02 CHF
Total : 20200 CHF

These Stress Graduation Mortar Boards are a great way to work yourself into anyones daily routine and increase your bottom line! Perfect gift to handout at any event, your new adults will keep these outstanding promotional gifts at home, in the office, even in the car. So pass the test with flying colours with this Stress Grad Mortar Board! Brilliant Souvenir;Squeezy Fun;Ideal for many events or open days

Ausführung Mengen Preis
Schwarz 50 4.74 CHF exkl. St.
Schwarz 100 3.81 CHF exkl. St.
Schwarz 250 3.07 CHF exkl. St.
Schwarz 500 2.97 CHF exkl. St.
Schwarz 1000 2.67 CHF exkl. St.
Schwarz 2500 2.28 CHF exkl. St.
Schwarz 5000 2.09 CHF exkl. St.
Schwarz 10000 2.02 CHF exkl. St.