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Stress-Glühbirne *


This stress light bulb white is just one of many in our huge range of promotional electrical stress shapes that will be sure to spark your promotions to life! Ideal for electrical stores, energy providers and many more of your bright promotional campaign ideas.

Make your next promoting come to light; Squeezy fun; Big favourite with electrical and energy companies

95 x 56 x 56 mm
590 x 340 x 290 mm
8000 gr
weiß, Gelb
1.65 CHF
Total : 16500 CHF

This stress light bulb white is just one of many in our huge range of promotional electrical stress shapes that will be sure to spark your promotions to life! Ideal for electrical stores, energy providers and many more of your bright promotional campaign ideas. Make your next promoting come to light; Squeezy fun; Big favourite with electrical and energy companies

Ausführung Mengen Preis
Gelb 50 4.37 CHF exkl. St.
Gelb 100 3.00 CHF exkl. St.
Gelb 250 2.23 CHF exkl. St.
Gelb 500 2.00 CHF exkl. St.
Gelb 1000 1.88 CHF exkl. St.
Gelb 2500 1.77 CHF exkl. St.
Gelb 5000 1.72 CHF exkl. St.
Gelb 10000 1.65 CHF exkl. St.