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Stress-Arzt weiblich


This Stress Female Doctor is a great way to promote your business or event. Use this stress reliever as a promotional product to get your message heard! Imprint a special event, logo or company name and use them as souvenirs or giveaways. A custom imprinted Stress Female Doctor will help you breathe easier without killing your budget! These stress relievers also have health benefits, such as, improved blood circulation, relax muscles, joints and relieve stress.

Great Pomotional Product;Squeezy Healthy Fun;Good Advertising Tool

110 x 52 x 32 mm
370 x 210 x 570 mm
6000 gr
4.09 CHF
Total : 40900 CHF

This Stress Female Doctor is a great way to promote your business or event. Use this stress reliever as a promotional product to get your message heard! Imprint a special event, logo or company name and use them as souvenirs or giveaways. A custom imprinted Stress Female Doctor will help you breathe easier without killing your budget! These stress relievers also have health benefits, such as, improved blood circulation, relax muscles, joints and relieve stress. Great Pomotional Product;Squeezy Healthy Fun;Good Advertising Tool

Ausführung Mengen Preis
weiß 50 7.88 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 100 6.67 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 250 5.76 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 500 5.34 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 1000 5.11 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 2500 4.51 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 5000 4.20 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 10000 4.09 CHF exkl. St.