
Stress-Fußball-Schlüsselanhänger *


Kick start your promotional campaign with this stress football keyring. A favourite with football clubs, sponsors and television companies. Our football themed stress range is one of our top sellers. We hold large stocks to fulfil all orders from 50pcs to 10,000pcs.

A huge favourite with football clubs, sponsors and sports companies; Fast Delivery times; Ideal for tournaments and recruiting new players; Squeezy fun

38 x 38 x mm
270 x 420 x 280 mm
7000 gr
1.02 CHF exkl. St.

Kick start your promotional campaign with this stress football keyring. A favourite with football clubs, sponsors and television companies. Our football themed stress range is one of our top sellers. We hold large stocks to fulfil all orders from 50pcs to 10,000pcs. A huge favourite with football clubs, sponsors and sports companies; Fast Delivery times; Ideal for tournaments and recruiting new players; Squeezy fun