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With this imprinted Stress Cloud, you'll be floating right over the competition and towards a bunch of clients who will be eager to embrace your new marketing campaign. This item has a great imprint area and would look fantastic with your business name, brand or logo on, great giveaways at any event or trade show.

Squeezy Fun;Made of high quality PU Foam;Printed from 1-4 colours

65 x 100 x 55 mm
620 x 360 x 330 mm
12000 gr
2.51 CHF
Total : 25100 CHF

With this imprinted Stress Cloud, you'll be floating right over the competition and towards a bunch of clients who will be eager to embrace your new marketing campaign. This item has a great imprint area and would look fantastic with your business name, brand or logo on, great giveaways at any event or trade show. Squeezy Fun;Made of high quality PU Foam;Printed from 1-4 colours

Ausführung Mengen Preis
weiß 50 5.65 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 100 4.55 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 250 3.72 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 500 3.55 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 1000 3.23 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 2500 2.81 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 5000 2.58 CHF exkl. St.
weiß 10000 2.51 CHF exkl. St.